Experience of use Veniselle

Emilian's experience and review of Gimbawa's Veniselle cream

Varicose veins progress rapidly

Most men are sure that varicose veins are a purely female problem. I was 100% convinced of this, because in our family absolutely all mothers suffered from varicose veins to varying degrees. Grandmother in particular was affected, with diabetes and trophic ulcers. It should be noted that I have always led a healthy lifestyle, I love outdoor activities, we often went hiking with my wife and children. But in recent years my career has picked up speed, resulting in a sedentary lifestyle that has had a negative impact on my health. I confess that I missed the first symptoms of my own varicose veins and put it all down to sitting in front of the computer for a long time. Pain and a feeling of heaviness in the calves became constant companions, and restless legs syndrome appeared. The disease progressed quickly, I had cramps at night, my wife had to give me a massage, but sometimes the muscles became so hard and sore that I literally climbed the wall. And last summer we discovered a network of crimson thin vessels and stars, gnarled veins began to protrude on the calves. Needless to say, the pain syndrome was already felt along the blood vessels, I felt them, it was very uncomfortable.

As I found out from Veniselle

Veniselle helped get rid of varicose veins

After that, it was impossible to ignore the varicose veins, and I surrendered to the doctors. It's scary even to remember how they didn't examine me how much money was spent on testing. Ultrasound, X-ray of the veins (phlebography), three-dimensional computed tomography and blood pressure measurements, and as a snack there was phleboscintigraphy with the introduction of radioisotopes. Even more surprising, however, was the cost of the prescribed treatment. However, I had nowhere to go, I had to get off. But some of the drugs just didn't work, I got an allergy to two ointments, and after the next massage bruises started. I was offered to surgically remove the tortuous sections of veins, but it turned out that I had contraindications. I was completely depressed, but a chance meeting with a friend turned fateful. We talked and when he found out about my problem, he recommended me the Veniselle cream, which his mother used to cure varicose veins after a month of use. By the way, she then explained to me how to use the cream.

Results of using Veniselle

To be honest, I didn't really believe that a herbal supplement would be more effective than synthetic and "heavier" drugs. But by that time my legs were already hurting a lot, I almost stopped sleeping, I was getting very irritable. So I decidedI have nothing to lose, I did everything according to the instructions, used Veniselle for 30 days without a break, applied in the morning before work and in the evening before bed, after the first application I felt great relief as the painhad disappeared. After a week I forgot about cramps and swelling (especially in the ankle area). At the end of the course, I noticed that the protruding veins gradually receded and became pale. It's been a month now and my feet are fine. MeBy the way, I also bought a cream for my mother and my aunt, they are also being treated now.